Hobetsu–Airport route fares/timetables

Switch departure and arrival locations

Departure point/destination
Shinchitose kuko
Hobetsu Shutchojo mae

Reserved seats only

Fare One way ¥1,500 (adult)
Donan Bus cards not accepted
Journey time 1 hr(s). 30 min.
*Arrival times may be later than indicated due to weather or road conditions.
Inquiries regarding lost property 平取営業所 01457-2-2311
Reservations Mukawa Bus Reservation Center (Hobetsu district) 0145-45-2284


*Red bus stops are for boarding only; blue bus stops are for alighting only.
*In cases where services operate on a separate Sat., Sun. & public holiday schedule, times are indicated separately beneath the weekday timetable.

Bus stop name Time Time
Shinchitose kuko 10:40 18:40
Hayakita Omachi 11:06 19:06
Hongo danchi mae 11:17 19:17
Atsuma shinrin kumiai mae 11:19 19:19
Sakae san 11:37 19:37
Sakae ni 11:40 19:40
Sakae 11:42 19:42
Sakae iriguchi 11:44 19:44
Niwa jinja mae 11:45 19:45
Niwa 11:46 19:46
Kaminiwa 11:47 19:47
Toyoizumi 11:50 19:50
Kakkensawa 11:51 19:51
Izumi shogakko mae 11:54 19:54
Toyota iriguchi 11:56 19:56
Kaikuma 11:57 19:57
Izumikami 11:58 19:58
Shinrinkumiai mae 11:59 19:59
Sports center mae 12:00 20:00
Chomin center mae 12:02 20:02
Hobetsu chuo 12:03 20:03
Hobetsu shinryojo iriguchi 12:04 20:04
Shinrin jimusho mae 12:05 20:05
Hobetsu Shutchojo mae 12:10 20:10